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Профилактор Евминова

 Evminov Prophylactor is a special orthopedic training device for training in accordance with the Evminov Method. The Evminov Prophylactor Device is a wooden panel equipped with handles at two different levels. Evminov Prophylactor Device can be installed at an angle from 8° to 90° using a wall as well as up to -25° depending on the type of exercises you will be performing. The rope fastening and elasticity of the panel provide with the user with the necessary amortization of the spinal column during the training exercises. The mobile handles move along the full length of the panel and can be fixed at the level relevant to performer’s growth. The basic equipment
of the Evminov Prophylactor Device includes a “Glissons’ noose” designated for treatment and prophylaxis of cervical vertebra in the neck and upper spinal column disorders. You can use the Evminov Prophylactor Device anywhere with the mobile carriage attachment that is made of a light and strong aluminum alloy support and can move along the full length of the panel or be fixed in a single place. This allows the user to adjust the working plane of an Evminov Prophylactor Device based on the performer’s growth. Additional items, which are not included with the basic equipment of a Prophylactor, can be purchased separately:

  1. A Prophylactor rug.
  2. A set of small handles (4 pieces).
  3. A set of big handles (4 pieces).
  4. A height meter.




About Us

For anyone who may suffer from back pain, thousands have already successfully used The Evminov Technique to resolve problems such as osteochondrosis, radiculitis, herniated discs, scoliosis, incorrect posture, protrusion, and has also helped to restore spinal function after spinal injuries and surgeries.

Using the procedure Evminova can avoid frequent visits to the doctor, to reduce the use of prescription drugs that only mask back pain and ultimately return to a normal life.

The Evminov Technique uses a prophylactic Evminov Board gives consistently high results of recovery and treatment of problems involving the spine and in most cases other therapies are not needed.

Over the past 10 years, prophylactic purchased more than 100 thousand families in Ukraine. In a survey of patients Center Evminova 90% of them recommend prophylactic everyone who has problems with his back.

Technique Evminova designed to launch self-healing mechanisms of structures of the spine, through the creation of the necessary conditions for this: a combination of stretching dosed (discharge) of the spine and at the same time directed the training of deep (short) back muscles.

This approach involves, on the one hand, the need to overcome the gap period under the supervision of a specialist, on the other hand, the possibility of further self-care at home or at the spine operation.

 Classes on technique Evminova on dispensary Evminova – a system of treatment, rehabilitation and prevention of diseases of the spine

  1. Eliminates the main problems of the spine, forever eliminating the pain in the back, neck, and lower back.
  2. Prevents the development of pathological processes in the spine.
  3. Is the only way to treat a case of multiple herniated discs.
  4. It is recommended during rehabilitation after spinal surgery.
  5. Simple and efficient to use.
  6. There are no age restrictions
  7. Beneficial for family use

Based on the methodology developed by Vyacheslav Evminov and used in the areas of

  • Medical
  • Health
  • Prevention programs for the treatment and prevention of diseases of the spine at different stages and in different age periods.



Licenses and Patents

Eminov Method and Evminov Prophylactic Device are inventions patented in many countries all over the world.

Effectiveness of Eminov Method is confirmed by medical investigations. Evminov Method is approved by Ukrainian Ministry of Public Health, affirmed by Ukrainian Academy of Medical Sciences and recommended for use at home, in different medical and preventive treatment institutions, in gyms and drill halls and in offices as an industrial gymnastics.


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